
Air force band blows its own trumpet for birthday

Air force band blows its own trumpet for birthday

The Royal Australian Air Force Band was in party mode last month celebrating 90 years of existence.

To celebrate, the band put on a special performance here in Southbank, at the ABC Centre.

Guests were treated to a program which included a muscial performance, a special speech from Group Captain Anthony Checker and even a slice of cake.

Air Marshall Geoff Brown said the band was an important part of Australia’s Air Force.

“As our Air Force Band celebrates 90 years, I am proud of the role our musicians have in enriching Air Force culture through the power of music,” he said.

AIRMSHL Brown also pointed out that music has always had an important role to play in the Air Force.

“From a poignant bugler to a full concert band, our band represents Air Force to the world – providing music at ceremonial parades, entertaining our deployed airmen and airwoman and connecting with the Australian community.”

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