Amendment is unacceptable
Can you envisage Southbank with a residential population of 74,000 and a worker population of 54,000?
The mind boggles at this level of density and the expectations of our planning authorities to accomplish this in, and I quote, “a friendly, pleasant and welcoming neighbourhood where all public spaces are comfortable, bright and safe and local services and facilities are readily available”.
They must be being fed a diet of magic mushrooms if they think this is a possibility. Where will they find the public space? Where are the local services? Even now with a residential population of 11,500 we do not have even a post office or bank.
With this density of apartment housing, the only way to expand is up. It is doubtful if any sunlight will ever penetrate to ground level, not withstanding the meteorological effects of high-rise buildings causing unpleasant wind tunnels.
This modern philosophy that bigger must be better is not supported by classical examples and to unleash a piranha-like attack by hungry developers keen to make their millions at the expense of our environment is unacceptable.
Our elected representatives and the bureaucrats they employ are commissioned to carry out the wishes of the electors, those that voted them into power, not the groups lobbying on behalf of developers who seem to have infiltrated decision-making at all levels of government.
How does the presently less than 0.11 hectare of public open space for every 1000 people (when a minimum of 0.22 is recommended by the planning authorities) going to be resolved?
The Planning Scheme Amendment C171 that incorporates these proposed changes has triggered a flood of local submissions complaining about the scheme and it is our experience with so-called public consultations they will be ignored and, in effect, will be only a public relations exercise.
Maybe there will be a change of policy with the Minister for Planning listening to his electors and using some common sense in the future for Southbank.
S.F. (Joe) Bagnara
Southbank Residents Group