At last: City Rd - Power St intersection upgrade complete
Following years of community campaigning, a major safety upgrade of the dangerous City Rd-Power St intersection has been completed.
The $3.8 million overhaul comes after a truck hit and injured five people in a horrific incident in May 2021, prompting a community outcry.
“We know City Rd and Power St is an important connection for many, so this upgrade will provide a huge benefit, with a safer crossing for pedestrians and more turning space for vehicles,” Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne said after visiting the site on May 18 to announce the project’s completion.
The works, which began in October last year, have seen the footpath widened and a pedestrian crossing relocated from the corner where vehicles turn left onto Power St to create more space between pedestrians and vehicles.
Large trucks will also have a wider path to navigate the left turn from City Rd onto Power St.
These measures are aimed at improving road user visibility and awareness, while the automated pedestrian crossing and sensors prevent crowding by triggering changes to the traffic lights to provide additional time for pedestrians to cross.
The left-turn lane along City Rd has also been extended to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow between vehicles turning into Power St and those travelling straight on.
The project was designed in close consultation with the City of Melbourne, the freight industry, and the local community following the horrific crash, which resulted in a petition being launched calling for all heavy vehicles to be removed along the dangerous stretch of road, which is popular for accessing the nearby West Gate Freeway.
Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece said it was “great news” the works had been completed.
“From a City of Melbourne perspective, we’ll be monitoring the situation closely, including checking on how the new set-up works for the new intersection, and to ensure it delivers on the safety, pedestrian, and traffic flow needs of the area,” he said.
Albert Park state MP Nina Taylor, whose electorate covers Southbank, said, “we thank the community for their patience while we delivered this major upgrade, which is all about improving safety for pedestrians and traffic flow through the intersection.”
While many community members welcome the safety upgrade, they still believed trucks ultimately need to be banned from the intersection. There are also fears that speed would be a factor as drivers now negotiate a wider turning arc onto Power St, potentially compromising the safety of pedestrians.
Following the crash that injured five people, the state government installed short-term safety measures at the intersection, but within 24 hours of temporary bollards being installed they were bowled over by a truck, along with a street sign. In another ensuing incident, a heavy vehicle hit a car and dragged it around the corner. •

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