Boyd’s birthday bash

Boyd’s birthday bash

The Boyd Community Centre celebrated its first birthday last month, with a party to celebrate the many activities Southbank now has access to.

Again Boyd proved its popularity among locals, with a great crowd turning out to enjoy the festivities.

The day showcased the best of Boyd, with activities including Tai Chi, an Etsy craft party by Paperlab and a ukulele performance from Melbourne Ukulele Kollective.

One of the many guests was Cr Ken Ong, who said the popularity of the centre was great for the Southbank community.

“The Boyd first birthday event was very good with many of the locals turning up. This Boyd centre is definitely very popular with the locals of Southbank,” Cr Ong said.

Cr Ong added that, upon explaining to many on the day the next stage of the site, the development and open space, guests were excited for the future at Boyd.

“There was a lot of enthusiasm about having the open space for more group activities such as Tai-Chi, group dancing and other organised outdoor activities,” he said.

Cr Ong also made mention that the lessons learned from the success of Boyd would be taken to other facilities within the City of Melbourne (CoM).

“This project will assist council in other similar projects in Docklands, Carlton and Kensington. The CoM staff at Boyd are great. Enthusiastic and helpful, they seem to connect well with the people using the centre.”

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