Brass quintet return to Australia
The American Brass Quintet hasn’t visited Australia in four decades, but it returns in May for a tour around the country.
Of course its Melbourne leg will be performed here in Southbank, at the Melbourne Recital Centre.
The quintet comprises Kevin Cobb, Michael Powell, John D Rojak and new members Louis Hanzlik and Eric Reed.
Mr Rojak said the group couldn’t wait to arrive in Australia.
“We’re all incredibly excited. It’s a trip you don’t get to make too often. The reaction in the group was, how long till we go, how long can we stay?” Mr Rojak said.
“We’ll always play contemporary music, and we’ll generally play Renaissance music. In the history of brass quintets, there’s not a whole lot in between,” he added.
The Melbourne Recital Centre show is on May 20 at 7pm, for more information head to

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