Caught on cam: Thieves steal bike after breaking into apartment building
By Brendan Rees
A Southbank woman has been left devastated after brazen thieves were caught on CCTV pinching her bicycle from her apartment building in Southbank on September 25.
Jamie, who asked that her surname not be used, said she had to “look twice” after discovering her bike, a 2015 Giant Talon, was missing after having locked it up in a bike rack at her apartment building, The Summit, on City Rd.
“The building manager has reviewed CCTV and has confirmed two men on bikes themselves followed a car into the building,” she said.
“They placed a sticker on the sensors to keep the gates open, had a look around at other bikes in the car park and tried to tamper with them.”
“They came back and forth in and out of the building to come back to mine and break the lock.”
Jaimie said it was believed the intruders entered the level two car park just before 7.30pm before taking off with her bike, which was locked in a bike cage with other bikes.
She said she noticed her bicycle, worth $900 brand new, was missing the next morning as she was heading to work and reported the theft to police.
“It’s a sickening feeling knowing nothing is safe. It makes me so angry that they think they just take other people’s possessions just like that.”
According to Jamie, there have been several bike thefts within her building in the past two months.
She wanted to share her experience with Southbank News in the hope anyone with information could contact police or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Her 27.5-inch mountain bicycle has a black frame with a Summit sticker and LED lights on the front and back and features red bullet metal tyre caps.
The incident comes as new research undertaken by Bicycle Network revealed the City of Melbourne was in the top five suburbs with the most bikes stolen in 2020.
Alarmingly, bicycle thefts state-wide from flats, units, and apartments have grown at a rate of 40.7 per cent each year – despite Melbourne’s 112-day lockdown last year.
Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp anyone whose bike was stolen should contact police.
“We’re continuing to deliver new bike facilities right across the municipality as part of a range of City of Melbourne infrastructure developments,” she said.
Bicycle Network suggests the following tips to keep your bicycle secure:
Using a hardened D-lock that cannot be snipped apart by bolt cutters.
Always lock your bike whether you are out or at home.
Avoid leaving your bike parked on the street overnight or for extended periods of time.
If you use a ride recording app such as Strava you should be careful not to highlight the location of your home.
If your bike is stolen, you should immediately report it to police.
Take photos of your bike and record details of its make, model, year, colour, and serial number (in case of theft) •
Caption: CCTV images captured the moment intruders stealing a bicycle at The Summit apartment building.

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