Come hear from your local Men’s Shed
Your Southbank Residents’ Association (SRA) committee has quite a bit planned for this month and we hope you will be able to find some time out from the beautiful sunshine we are now experiencing.
Firstly, we have invited Melbourne Men’s Shed to give our community a presentation on what they are about and how you may be able to benefit from this wonderful community organisation servicing our neighbourhood.
If you didn’t know, the Melbourne Men’s Shed is located in the car park of Federation Square. They have an extensive workshop with all the tools and machines you could imagine. But if you don’t know how to use a machine or tool, don’t despair, there are many volunteers who will be very happy to assist.
Melbourne Men’s Shed was established in 2013 and is a place for new friendships to form in a space with like-minded individuals.
Surprisingly to many, Melbourne Men’s shed membership is not exclusive to men or retirees. There are a number of women and young people who are active in the shed too, who are always welcome.
We will be fortunate to have four members of the Melbourne Men’s Shed committee provide us an overview of what our local shed offers. Come along to Boyd Community Hub on Monday, October 16 at 7pm and be enlightened.
Also, on Wednesday, November 1, 7pm at Boyd Community Hub, SRA will be holding a pedestrian safety Information session. This is a follow-up from community consultation earlier this year on pedestrian satefy.
The City of Melbourne engineering team has reviewed this feedback and formulated a number of projects to address some of the issues identified.
This is a great opportunity to have your say on the proposed projects and broader pedestrian safety issues in Southbank. Light refreshments will be provided.
More information on both of these events can be found on our SRA website
Are you social media savvy? SRA is looking for someone in the community to guide and manage our social media space. If you think you would like to assist our not-for-profit community group, we would love to hear from you.
We can be contacted at [email protected] •

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels