
Do it yourself

Do it yourself

So far we have covered a few broader topics so I thought this month, it was time to provide you with a project you can easily do at home.

You could make a perfect Christmas Gift, or it might just be a little something to keep you occupied over the holiday break.

Spray painting pot plant stands is this month’s project of choice. Pot plant stands are very popular at the moment and they are a great way to inject some colour, style and greenery into your home – especially handy for small spaces like apartments.

First things first. Head down to your local paint store to get all your supplies. You will need the following: Rokset plastic drop-sheets (to pick up overspray), Sequence dust masks (for protection), Hi Chem super etch primer and Anchor spray cans in the colour of your choice.

You will also of course need the stands.

Step 1: Set up a little spray area, preferably outdoors for ventilation purposes. There will be overspray so cover everything in the direct vicinity with the drop sheets. Pop on the dust mask so you don’t breath in the fumes and you are ready to go.

Step 2: Apply a coat of the Hi Chem super etch primer. Depending on what the stands are made of, this will ensure adhesion. Super etch primer is very strong.

Keep the can about 30cms away from the stand and keep the can moving using short, sharp strokes. This will avoid dripping.

Step 3: Once dry, repeat the process with the top coat colours until you are satisfied with the coverage. Leave to dry overnight and give a few days to cure up and it is ready for use.

That’s about it! Easy right? Such a simple project to make something suit your home, plus you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself.

Remember to have fun and any questions you may have on this or any other project please come see me at Paintright Southbank.

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Man arrested in Southbank burglary

April 16th, 2024 - Brendan Rees
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