
Report is hard on Southbank

Report is hard on Southbank

Southbank has again been criticised for being too car-friendly and providing pedestrians with a confusing network of walkable areas.

This critique was put forward in the recent Places for People report by the City of Melbourne.

However, the report does not offer any solutions – other than stating that city planners need to put pedestrians above cars.

This report seems to confirm previous predictions about the number of pedestrians in Southbank, saying it has the lowest levels of pedestrians in the central parts of Melbourne, and these tended to be centred near the river.  

Another criticism is the development of high-rise towers lacking active street levels, which creates the potential for walkers to feel unsafe and isolated. This can then lead to disengagement with the local area.

The report fails to mention the City Road Master Plan, which will lead a lot of the traffic away from Southbank. Nor does it talk about the development of Southbank Boulevard.

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