From ‘Star Wars’ to Southbank
Wookie is named as such because she resembles the characters from sci-fi film Star Wars, and not because she has a similar growl.
Her owner Amanda tells us that, in fact, she is an extremely well behaved pooch.
She has lived in Southbank for all of her six (human) years and Wookie loves the apartment lifestyle. She is definitely an inside dog.
But Amanda says she does love getting out for a walk in the area.
“She’d love to see more dog-friendly parks within Southbank,” Amanda said.
Wookie is the rare, wirehaired dachshund, and she shares Amanda’s attention with her brother Sully. The two are best friends.
It is little wonder the dogs are so happy, given the way Amanda spoils them! Amanda, herself a vegetarian, cooks meals fit for royalty for her beloved dogs. Favourite meals include free-range chicken thigh fillets and rump steak.
Amanda believes: “If you’re going to have dogs, making sure they are looked after is the only way to be.”

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels