Hitchcock Classic Returns

Hitchcock Classic Returns

Following a sell-out season earlier this year, the stage adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest will be returning to the Arts Centre from January.

Audiences have already boasted about the show as leading actress Amber McMahon says it really does have everything for a fantastic night at the theatre.

“It’s an absolute crowd pleaser. It’s a joy to perform because you feel the thrill of the audience as they go along for the ride with you. Essentially, it’s those classic tropes of murder, man on the run, chase, cliff-hanger that people really respond well to,” she said.

Matt Hetherington, Nicholas Bell, Ian Bliss, Sheridan Harbridge, John Leary, Tony Llewllyn-Jones, Lucas Stibbard and Lachlan Woods will be returning to the production, in addition to newcomer Lyall Brooks.

Amazingly, Gina Riley will also be joining the cast as Roger’s mother, which will no doubt bring a whole new group of show-goers.

“It will be fantastic. New blood is always welcome; she’ll bring a new energy to it, plus she’s amazing. It will be great,” Ms McMahon said.

For those wondering whether to see the film before seeing the stage show, Ms McMahon’s advice is simple – make up your own mind.

“There’s virtue in both. A lot who have seen the film love recognising things in the stage show and they loved seeing how things are resolved theatrically, so there’s that kind of ‘meta’ experience. And people who haven’t seen it just love the story because it’s a thrilling story. Unfortunately you have to make up your own mind, but both options are fabulous,” she said.

North by Northwest will be playing at the Arts Centre Melbourne for two weeks only so get your tickets now from Ticketmaster.

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