
Important anniversary celebrated at Fed Square

Important anniversary celebrated at Fed Square

To mark the fifth anniversary of the national apology to the stolen generation, Federation Square held a commemorative celebration last month, celebrating the day and its historical relevance to Australia’s first people.

Program manager at Federation Square, Matt Jones, said it was a special day for everyone who came along.

“There was an audience of hundreds standing in the square watching Kutcha Edwards singing on stage. As if on cue, two cockies flew over and landed on the roof of the Transport Hotel. As Kutcha sang, the birds squawked,” Mr Jones said.

“This then motivated the indigenous elder sitting next to me to sing back to the cockies. The tears he had been shedding turned to delight. It was a lovely symmetry of nature and culture.”

“These moments are what Fed Square is for me and the role it plays for Melbourne.”

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April 16th, 2024 - Brendan Rees
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