Fix Queensbridge Square
Congratulations on a fine local newspaper.
May I suggest an issue for you to cover? It’s what many local residents think is the failure of Queensbridge Square.
This is supposed to be the heart of Southbank. Yet it’s a bleak, dirty and windswept disappointment.
Trees and shrubs are minimal. The red amphitheatre is an eyesore. Seagulls feed off the detritus of McDonald’s and then deposit white crap all across the square.
Trash isn’t cleaned up quickly or properly. The council ignores ugly graffiti in the area for years. Witness the mess where the square meets the bridge – a rocky pool of garbage.
See the full-colour words on the side of the old rail bridge on the side that faces the vaults. They’ve been left there for two years. Homeless people are using the square and environs in growing numbers as a place to sleep and beg.
It’s time the council took a close look at all of this and adopted appropriate action.
The key point here is that this is part of Melbourne’s most popular and important tourist precinct, as surveys have show.
Surely we can do better than this.
Graham Barrett

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