Life begins at 50 for IMLAC members

Life begins at 50 for IMLAC members

As more people move into Southbank after downsizing from the family home, activities and groups for the more mature among us are becoming popular within the inner city.

Inner Melbourne Life Activities Club (IMLAC) is one such group and its number of Southbank residents is increasing quickly. IMLAC provides activities and social gatherings of all kinds, for a membership that is generally over 50.

IMLAC president John Smith said about 15 per cent of the group now resided in Southbank, and that the area was a fruitful one for many activities the group organised. He said the arts precinct, plus the vibrant bars and restaurants provided fantastic meeting places for events and the variety was exactly what the group was about.

“It’s all about what the members want to do. You might only have three or four people in any given activity, but if you’re happy with that, then it will work,” John explained.

IMLAC event organiser Carolyn said the group was all about making new friends and, most importantly, feeling comfortable in the city.

“It’s not a dating group, it’s purely for socialising!” Carolyn said.

“When I moved to the city I figured I’d better meet some people and IMLAC provided the perfect opportunity. As time went by I realised a lot of other people were in the same boat.”

Southbank Local News also met with some locals who have joined IMLAC, including the Life Activities Clubs Victoria’s (IMLAC’s parent organisation) president Lindsay Doig. Lindsay said he was a great example of how IMLAC offered you as much or as little participation as you’d like.

“There are almost no limits to the activities we do. People decide what to do and as long as you’ve got a couple who are interested then away you go,” Lindsay said.

“As for participation, you can simply attend events, organise one yourself, help run the club, or as I have, help the organisation.”

Another Southbank local, Heather, explained that there were plenty of people in Southbank yet to discover IMLAC, saying: “There are so many older people here in Southbank who don’t know about us.”

Ann moved to Southbank from Canberra and said getting to and from the activities helped her learn to get around on public transport, plus the group was pivotal in getting to know people here.

“If I didn’t join, I might have had to move back to Canberra!”

If you’d like to find out more about IMLAC go to its website

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