Meet councillor Pearl

Meet councillor Pearl

As the third City of Port Philip councillor representing the Montague Precinct, newly elected Cr Marcus Pearl says he looks forward to playing a key advocacy role for current and future residents.

Alongside Mayor Bernadene Voss and new Greens councillor Ogy Simic, Cr Pearl will represent the Gateway Ward, which covers Montague and Fishermans Bend.

A long-time resident of the City of Port Phillip living with wife Prudence and daughter Clementine, Cr Pearl has been an active and passionate member of the local community for many years.

A pragmatic, personable, and charismatic figure, Cr Pearl has an extensive financial services and business background having previously worked in financial markets throughout Asia Pacific and held a senior role at ANZ Bank.

While he serves as a councillor, he will also continue in his current role as the CEO of finance and insurance company Primacy Underwriting Management; a testament to the work ethic that got him elected.

“I said during the election that I wouldn’t go into this role unless I thought I could do it to the full amount and I intend to do that in terms of the allocation of my time and also advocating for peoples’ positions,” he said.

“I spend most of my time outside of my day job going to as many community events as I possibly can and meeting as many people as I possibly can. During the election campaign I personally knocked on more than 5000 doors and that’s what people expect you to do in local government.”

Having been elected to the new look council of nine, he described the current group of councillors as “highly intelligent” and “diverse”. Some of his main issues of concern include budget allocation and financial management, education and restoring integrity in planning.

And as a key representative of Fishermans Bend, he said he looked forward to tackling the many planning challenges facing both existing and future communities of the Montague Precinct.

“My advocacy role is ensuring infrastructure meets the demand of the people moving in there and the people that are activating the area whether they be going to school or using the area for business,” he said.

“It’s an area that is transitioning and we need to make sure that transition respects everyone’s wishes; those who live there now and those who are going to be there 20 years from now.”

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