Building Anzac Station
Works to build the Metro Tunnel’s new Anzac Station under St Kilda Rd are progressing. A bentonite plant is temporarily installed on the worksite and supports the construction of diaphragm walls (d-walls). Bentonite is liquid clay that is pumped into the d-wall’s steel cages, which are lowered into trenches up to 25 metres below ground. Concrete is then poured into the trench as the bentonite is removed and recycled. The completed d-walls act as supporting underground walls for the station before further excavation can safely begin. On the Yarra Main Trail, just beneath Princes Bridge, site investigation works are taking place throughout October to assess ground conditions. This information will inform the design of the twin tunnels which will run under the Yarra River towards the new Town Hall Station under Swanston St. A family of ducks made their way to the construction site in early October. Our crews were on hand to escort the mother and her eight ducklings to safety at Albert Park Lake. Traffic changes Bowen Lane is closed at St Kilda Rd until early November to realign the service lane between Bowen Lane and Albert Rd. This work will create a larger construction area for works in that area. Pedestrians along St Kilda Rd outside Melbourne Grammar School can now travel through a newly-installed covered walkway. This provides a safer path for pedestrians while works take place to construct the station walls. Changed traffic conditions are now in place near Federation Square as works ramp up to build an entrance to Town Hall Station on the corner of Flinders and Swanston streets. Flinders St is reduced by one traffic lane westbound between Russell and Swanston streets for up to four years from October, but traffic can still turn left and travel through the intersection towards Elizabeth St. The lane closure allows the station entrance to be safely constructed. Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and allow up to an extra 15 minutes if travelling through this stretch of Flinders St. Pedestrian access around the intersection and into Federation Square’s businesses, restaurants, cafes and bars is maintained. Cyclists can still move safely around the precinct, with the St Kilda Rd bike lane realigned. Fencing has been installed and ramps built to provide disability access around the site. The former Melbourne Visitor Centre is being demolished to make way for the station entrance. The City of Melbourne unveiled its new visitor hub at Melbourne Town Hall in August. All works at Federation Square are being undertaken with the relevant approvals. For more information on Metro Tunnel works, visit and to plan your journey, visit

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels