Voting creates your future …
The City of Port Phillip council elections are just days away and we hope locals are taking their votes seriously.
Considering which Gateway Ward councillor nominee you vote for is a decision that will affect your community, amenity and ongoing quality of life and work in your area or precinct.
In last month’s column we provided a short overview of those candidates who had been in touch with the Montague community.
To reiterate they were …
Peter Martin, the Labor candidate and ex-principal of Port Melbourne Primary who is very well known in the community as a significant contributor to sports and education.
Peter lives in Elwood but he feels he is closely linked to the issues in Gateway and is able to represent these successfully at Council. If you would like to contact Peter or ask any questions about his ideas for our precinct – [email protected].
Marcus Pearl, the Liberal candidate.
Marcus has been a councillor for the past four years and has been very hands-on in the Montague Precinct. He is well-known to and popular with the local community as he taken the time to get to know us and understand our issues. Marcus does not live in Gateway, but as he says he’s only a few metres away from the boundary! Marcus would be happy to hear from you – [email protected]
Heather Consulo, Independent candidate.
Heather has the backing of our outgoing Mayor and Gateway Ward Cr Bernadene Voss. Heather lives in the ward, has worked in the Montague Precinct and has experienced some of the challenges as well as the joys we encounter living and working here. Heather took it upon herself to start a Facebook page for the community and this has become a significant communication tool for the local area. Heather would be happy to hear from you – [email protected]
There are of course other candidates, who were described in our September column, but we have had no one-on-one contact from them so other than saying their names – Earl James from The Greens and Sami Maher from the Ratepayers of Port Phillip, there is not more we can tell you. You can read more in Southbank News’s coverage in this edition.
In other news … the Minister for Planning Richard Wynne has approved a number of new developments for the Montague and Sandridge precincts.
And as well as the four towers under construction along Normanby Rd of 28, 40, 40 and 40 storeys, respectively, there are multiple new towers approved for construction, which range in height from 15 to 43 levels.
These are in Montague St and Normanby Rd. Montague is certainly developing, and we hope the Fishermans Bend Taskforce or Development Board release the precinct plans very soon. It’s been far too long to wait …
To ensure there is community amenity for all this new construction, the new Fishermans Bend Secondary School adjacent to Murphys Reserve is progressing well and should be completed relatively soon.
Thank you all for reading our column and as usual if you have anything to add please contact us via our Facebook page or twitter feed, or by email [email protected]
Happy voting! •

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels