Nominative determinis-swim
By Matt Harvey
Peter Waters found photography through the simplest of impulses, to document travel, even getting a camera specifically to aid in the documentation process.
When Instagram launched in 2010, it was the culmination of those desires, sharing the experience of travelling and a photo-focused platform.
“I was intrigued by the prospect of sharing ‘postcards’ from all over the world and there was a sense of being an early explorer – connecting with people on the other side of the planet through photo-sharing,” he said.
Peter swims with the Port Melbourne Icebergers as a means of resetting, and said in that environment you couldn’t think of anything else as the senses were overwhelmed.
Despite growing up with little interest or in his words “ability” in watersports, bodies of water and his swimming club feature prominently in his works.
“It must be in my blood,” Mr Waters said.
“I am intrigued by the physics and experience of occupying that special place at the boundary of air and water.”
Water isn’t Peter’s only influence; listening to music often inspires Peter to take photos.
“It’s almost as much a visual experience as an audio one. The dreamy haze of Alice Coltrane, or Icelandic landscape-conjuring Sigur Rós come to mind,” Mr Waters said.
“Looking at how painters compose their work can be inspiring and informative because they have complete creative freedom and control over light and form. Given no constraints or limitations, where would I have the light fall, what elements would I draw out, what perspective would I use?”
For Peter PSC has proven a means of exploration and skills-building, drawing early inspiration from The Age/Sydney Morning Herald Clique competition and even achieved some early success, winning the 2015 Photographer of the Year.
For the moment portraiture speaks to Peter as he explores style, content and searches for a way to portray meaning within his own art.
“Some of the work I’m most proud of is not what I enjoy doing. Meaningful work can be daunting and confronting. Having said that, what I currently enjoy is revealing something of the lives of others through portraiture,” he said •
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