Politicians meet residents

Politicians meet residents

* This article was published 10 years ago

Legislative Council members Angela Coote and Georgie Crozier met with furious Freshwater Place residents this month, to discuss their angst towards the proposed Queensbridge tower.

As reported in last month’s Southbank Local News, the residents have been campaigning to have the proposal rejected, as they believe the tower is not appropriate for the planned location.

Ms Coote said they had organised a lengthy chat with the residents, as she knew the current had particularly riled many of them.

She said of the proposed tower: “I’ve probably had more representation in letters from your group than any other,” and added that planning was: “The single issue that gets more anger and comment than any other.”

The meeting was attended by about 20 residents, and included a formal presentation from Freshwater Place owners’ corporate chair Peter Renner, to which Ms Coote and Ms Crozier responded, before taking questions.

The residents were vocal and passionate in getting their points across to the MLCs, and Ms Coote told them she sympathised with their situation.

“I have no doubt the issues you have raised are true and valid,” she told them, adding: “I think it’s important to take up this issue – your presentation is very good.”

Ms Crozier concurred, saying: “Certainly there are some concerns that we are very appreciative to hear about in a presentation like this.”

Throughout his presentation, Mr Renner was adamant that this sort of planning had to be stopped before more of it is seen in the area, saying: “If this is built now it will be open slather for Southbank.”

“We think Southbank should be mid-rise with a smattering of high-rise. We think that would be fantastic,” Mr Renner added.

He also had some strong words for the City of Melbourne, saying: “We are not very happy with the Melbourne City Council, we believe

they have betrayed us and, completely abandoned us.”

The two parliamentarians said they would pass on the concerns they had heard to the Minister for Planning Matthew Guy, but Ms Coote said it was important that proper process be respected at all times.

“It is important to remember that there is a planning process. The process is there for a reason,” Ms Coote said •

Southbank’s secret military library 

Southbank’s secret military library 

November 6th, 2024 - Georgie Atkins
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