Congratulations, Southbank News
I want to start my column with a big congratulations to Southbank News which is printing its 100th edition this month.
This is a remarkable milestone and one that truly needs to be applauded and recognised.
I think you would all agree this newspaper is certainly our local voice for the community.
I personally cannot fathom to imagine our community without it.
I particularly want to acknowledge Sean Car, the Southbank News editor and owner of the paper.
Sean is dedicated to Southbank and has done a superb job with telling the Southbank story over the years. Bring on the next 100!
So, as I expected, an extension to Stage 4 came to fruition. As hard as it is to accept, I believe we had to have the extension.
The numbers are coming down considerably, but I agree they are not low enough to ease restrictions.
I think we will only get one go to get this right and we have to do it properly.
Having said that, I noted in last week’s figures that Southbank now has zero cases.
By all accounts, from my interaction with the community and the many building Facebook pages I am on, it seems our community is holding out well.
Keep your neighbours in mind and check if they need a hand, but certainly say hello.
Stay focused and positive and the extra two weeks will be over in no time.
Thank you to all those who have been doing the right thing.
Our annual general meeting (AGM) was held last month, and despite our first foray into Zoom for such an event, it was a success.
It is with great pleasure to announce that we had nine nominations for our committee.
All nine are previous members of the committee from the previous year. I have been retained as the president.
I would like to acknowledge Joanne and Artemis for their valuable contributions to our committee over past years – thank you!
So, your local not-for-profit volunteer-run community organisation will continue for at least the next year.
If you have any interest in what our committee does, or would like to offer to help out, then please reach out to me at [email protected].
Considering the success of the Zoom AGM, we are considering the feasibility of also holding our bi-annual New to Southbank event via Zoom in October.
This will still allow us to reach out to the new members of our society and maybe even some of our longer residents too.
From past experience, feedback received from longstanding residents who have attended is that they have all learned something new.
So, I encourage new and old residents to join us in October. More details will be announced then.
If you would like to support your local residents’ association and our work, you can join via our website –, we would certainly welcome your interest.
Until next month, stay safe and make the most of the extra hour of exercise that is now allowed •

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels