Pick up the poo!
You may recall last month that I commented on how great the new Boyd Park was looking. As the weather has been warming, I have continued to see significant use of the park, the play equipment and its barbecue. However, there is a small section of our community which doesn’t appreciate that the grass is not there for their dogs to defecate on. I have seen a significant number of irresponsible dog owners failing to pick up after their pooches. Although I can appreciate that in some cases they may not have been aware as they have allowed their dog to run around off-leash and they may not have noticed. In any case, it isn’t an off-leash dog park. There is planning for an off-leash dog park on the western side of the Kings Way undercroft. However, I question whether dog owners who would need to cross over/pass Boyd Park would bother doing so to make their way to an off-leash park no more than 50 metres away. Wouldn’t it just be too convenient to stay and use Boyd Park? In any case, the park signage advising to pick up after your dog and that they must be on a leash is inadequate. I have reached out to the City of Melbourne to see what improvements can be made there. I have seen in other parks council installed doggie bag stations, but I am not sure they work. Anecdotally, I have heard that when the station is out of plastic bags then the attitude of many dog owners is that it is the council’s fault for not stocking the bags, therefore it is okay not to pick up after their dog. I can appreciate that such a circumstance may create such thinking. Out of concern for such thinking, in the interests of making dog owners be responsible for their own dog, I would be against the installation of doggie bag stations. Moreover, council have better things to do than employ someone to travel to all the parks in the municipality to restock doggie bags. All good dog owners should expect their dog to go to the toilet when going for walkies and as such should take an appropriate item to collect and dispose. Let me clarify, I am not against dogs, only irresponsible dog owners and sadly, judging by the evidence left on the grass footpath verges and now Boyd Park, there seems to be quite a number of these irresponsible owner types around. While on Boyd park, we would like to invite the entire Southbank community to the Southbank Residents’ Association Community Expo where the park will be officially opened by the Lord Mayor Sally Capp. The expo will showcase our community groups and organisations. Please mark Saturday, March 21 in your diary. We will tell you more about it in the February edition of Southbank Local News. On behalf of the whole Southbank Residents Association committee, we wish our entire community an enjoyable and safe festive season. We look forward to engaging with you all next year as we have so much planned. It will be another big year and we welcome your continued support. Remember if you are not a member you can join via our website southbankresidents.org.au. Remember, it is because we have members that we have a voice in the community. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Tony Penna - President

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels