Trying to stay positive
Sadly, this month has been a real struggle to try to think of something positive and uplifting to write about.
It’s certainly not a month where I have been looking forward to having to write my column. I don’t need to talk about COVID-19.
I know, in the most part, that Southbank is complying with the government’s request to STAY AT HOME (except for a few that I noted the Police had words to on the basketball court at Boyd Park).
I have observed that this home isolation is really starting to bring our community closer together, particularly in individual buildings, as I see offers of support from fellow residents to their wider building community.
If you need some assistance, please let someone know in your building as I am certain there will be many willing residents to lend a helping hand.
The Lord Mayor Sally Capp has also kept Southbank front of mind.
I have had several conversations with the Lord Mayor over the last two weeks specifically about the welfare of Southbank residents.
Since becoming Lord Mayor, Sally has always taken an interest in Southbank, and I am humbled that with knowing the likely demands of her office with dealing with this pandemic, that she was still able to find the time to give me a call to ask about Southbank.
In our most recent conversation, Sally informed me of the need for the city to allow construction sites to be able to extend their working hours.
A compromise was made between the unions, developers and the City of Melbourne.
While the worksites were requesting 24-hour work ability, the city has offered them to work until 8pm Monday to Friday, 5pm on Saturdays and 4pm on Sundays.
They are also permitted to work until 10pm Monday to Saturday when it is internal works (therefore supposedly no or minimal noise to be heard externally).
Apparently, these extended hours were requested owing to the decrease in productivity because of social distancing requirements.
However, if you do have any noise complaints the City of Melbourne would like to know about them by calling 9658 9658.
The Southbank Residents’ Association (SRA) committee has still managed to hold our monthly committee meeting utilising the Zoom meeting platform.
I understand this is now a must-have platform to be able to keep connected with group meetings whether it be between family and friends or work meetings.
By all accounts it was relatively simple to use, and we had a very effective meeting with 10 of our committee members.
But sadly, the number one agenda item for this meeting was discussing the community day which we were forced to postpone.
It was an extremely difficult decision to choose to postpone after all the work that our committee had put into finally make this day happen. However, we think you will agree that it was the right decision.
We have every intention to hold a community day, and probably a belated park opening, later in the year.
Maybe we can also make it an excuse for an end of lockdown community party and enjoy the freedoms of not needing to social distance.
Gee, just thinking about such a day seems so far away. I think it will be quite some time before we are back to any sense of normality.
If you are not a member of the SRA, we would love to hear from you. We are a volunteer run organisation made up of residents in Southbank. You can sign up on our website or our Facebook page – Southbank Residents.
Please try your best to keep yourself entertained and mentally sound during these difficult times. Try to get in a bit of exercise here and there and most importantly, say hi to your neighbours and check-in on them from time to time •
Tony Penna - President

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels