Southbank Residents Group
Recently Southbank Residents’ Group (SRG) held its annual general meeting at Boyd, chaired by president Michael Smolders.
This meeting was well attended by interested and keen residents who are passionate about this wonderful part of Melbourne and improving on where it’s at.
The meeting was also fortunate to have our local member of parliament, Martin Foley, present and he gave us his vision for his new role as Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Planning.
The preceding year was very productive and active with a great deal of media coverage for SRG. This was owing to the tireless and wonderful efforts of president Michael Smolders and his vice president Barry Janes. Unfortunately both Michael and Barry are no longer able to continue in their executive roles so a new executive team was elected.
I am honoured to have been elected as the new president of the Southbank Resident Group. I would firstly like to acknowledge the wonderful efforts by Michael and Barry. They have done a remarkable job of getting issues in front of the Minister for Planning and the City of Melbourne. Our voice has been heard and the authorities know we are a serious group which cares about Southbank and its successful development.
I would also like to welcome and congratulate the other members of the executive who were elected on this night, being: Dharmendra Poobalasingam as vice president; Andre Johnston as secretary; and Mike Vallis as treasurer.
We have a very enthusiastic executive to represent the interests of the group, but we also welcome and encourage any other residents who would like to become a member of the Southbank Residents’ Group or indeed any current members who would like to be actively involved in some way throughout the year.
My personal goal is to attend as many owner corporation meetings to get a feel and understanding of the real issues that are affecting residents and investors and promote Southbank Residents’ Group as being a worthy and valuable voice for them.
I look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year. Please don’t be shy to say hi if you see me around the neighbourhood. Keep up to date with the work of the Southbank Residents’ Group through our website or like and follow us on Facebook at SouthbankResidentsGroup