Southbank Residents Group
Well the year is abruptly coming to an end, much sooner than many of us would have expected.
And the feeling is no different for your new executive team. We have really hit the ground running trying to feel our way through the already established relationships and systems. I feel we are making great progress and into the New Year we hope to have a community meeting to share ideas on how we can better serve the community.
Over the past month there have been a number of significant events where the SRG has been present, representing the views of its members and the wider community.
Firstly, we attended a session regarding the C208 amendment and left there quite satisfied that this amendment was positive. In short, the amendment will see developers making contributions to infrastructure and community developments. SRG will be making a submission essentially supporting this amendment.
While I am taking the figures on face value for the development forecast presented by Melbourne City Council, I am hopeful that should this forecast not come to fruition, the council would continue with its infrastructure plans and make up the developer shortfall.
SRG had the great pleasure of being invited to contribute to the City of Melbourne Arts Strategy Forum at the town hall. The arts is something I have great interest in (being one of the contributing factors for choosing to live in Southbank) so I was excited about being able to voice my visions and opinions. This forum was well attended and structured. There were some great speakers who really got our minds thinking and people interacting. There were a lot of great ideas being thrown around.
One key point which everyone essentially agreed with was that there needs to be more communication and collaboration with the other councils and especially regional areas because art is not only about Melbourne city and its environs.
2014 is going to be another busy year because it is an election year. This is a great opportunity for SRG to really be heard, as the politicians will be listening! The best way we can ensure the SRG is taken seriously is through our membership base. If you are not currently a member and believe Southbank Residents Group might be able to make a difference to your livability in Southbank, then we welcome your membership support.
Alternatively, you may be an owners corporation committee member or know someone who is? Then what better way for SRG to get membership support than by a tower choosing to subscribe on behalf of all the owners within that tower. Even if you don’t know any of the committee members, then you can still lobby your committee to consider membership.
Want to keep up with what’s on in Southbank and what SRG is doing? Then make sure you like us on Facebook! Tell your friends and neighbours to like our page too - Southbank Residents Group.
From all the committee members, we would like to wish all our fellow Southbank residents, and adjoining communities a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.
Lets all enjoy this holiday season and start 2014 off with a bang.
See you all in 2014.