Southbank Residents Group
Firstly we felt we made a strong submission to council at the Future Melbourne Committee regarding voting methods at the upcoming council elections in October.
We thought a combination of postal and attendance voting would be the most equitable and fair system, but a small majority of councillors felt that postal voting should be the preferred and only method open to voters.
We argued that the City of Melbourne has the largest population of homelessness in the state and postal voting would deprive them of the privilege to vote.
Notwithstanding, attendance voting would have brought us in line with the state and Commonwealth government practices. It is the most effective method of supporting a vibrant and inclusive democracy that encourages voter participation, minimises election costs and reduces the opportunity for voter fraud through ballot theft.
In light of the absence of any supporting position explained by any councillor I can’t help but think that postal only voting will work to the interests of some councillors.
On a more positive note, at the Fishermans Bend forum last week, held by the Planning Minister Richard Wynne, I was excited to see the plans for the long-fought and highly-sought-after new South Melbourne primary school on Ferrars St.
This will be a vertical school of some five-stories and will be able to accommodate 525 students.
The minister tells us it will be finished in time for the commencement of the 2018 school year.
After all the lobbying the community has done over the past years, it was a great feeling to see the plans and artist’s impression.
We have a busy month ahead with submissions to the Consumer Affairs Victoria review of the Consumer Property Law but in particular of interest to us is the Owners’ Corporation Managers discussion paper and the OC Act proper discussion paper still to come. This is a valuable opportunity for us to have a say.
Building membership has continued to grow this year with three more buildings realising the benefits of a strong community voice. Thank you!
Remember if you or your building would like to join you can do so via our website Our voice is only as strong as our membership base.