Stuart to lead Southbank Rotary

Stuart to lead Southbank Rotary

Long-time member Stuart McArthur has been elected as Southbank Rotary’s new president.

More than 50 members and distinguished guests attended the president-elect’s inauguration ceremony at Feddish restaurant at Federation Square on June 30.

Having served the club for 12 years, Stuart takes over the role from outgoing president Wendy Bennett.

However, he explained that, while this would be his first time officially serving as president, he had already gained some experience in the top job having stepped in temporarily last year.

“We had a situation last year where our president-elect decided that he was moving to London so I actually stepped up to be president last year but it was only temporary,” he said.

“So I didn’t become president but I had a taste of it. I’m finally ready to go this time!”

As president, Stuart said one of his biggest challenges would be completing a project, which was established in the wake of the Bali bombings in 2002.

He said the club would also continue to address community activation in Southbank and work with partners Hanover and Steps Outreach Service to address homelessness and social inequality in Melbourne.

He said he was also looking forward to engaging further with the local community and encouraged any like-minded Southbank residents to get involved.

“It’s really important to get the community together,” he said. “Our club consists of people from all over the place. Most us aren’t directly from Southbank and so that in itself presents a challenge.”

“We have had quite a number of Southbank residents come along and look at joining so would love to attract more local residents to the club to build the relationship between Southbank and the rest of the world.”

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