Tony finds the key!

Tony finds the key!
Sean Car

After a four-year period of redundancy, the Southbank Community Noticeboard on Sturt St is back in operation.

Up until only a month ago, the noticeboard had consisted of posters advertising the Boyd Community Hub as “coming soon to Southbank.” The Boyd celebrated its third birthday in July.

After a long battle to try and gain access to the noticeboard, Southbank Residents Group president Tony Penna finally tracked down the keys at the City of Melbourne last month.

Mr Penna has wasted no time in pinning up Southbank Residents Group flyers and said he was hoping to engage with Boyd Community Hub and other community groups to help bring the noticeboard back to life.

If you would like to use the noticeboard to share your message or event contact Tony Penna via email at [email protected]

Southbank Residents Group will also host its annual general meeting on Wednesday, October 14 at the Boyd Community Hub at 6pm. All residents and visitors are welcome.

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