Budget released for feedback
By Rowan Webb
The City of Port Phillip council has released its draft 2019/20 budget and updated council plan for 2017-2027.
Key highlights of the document include a rate increase of 2.5 per cent, a fees and charges increase of 2.75 per cent (most fees) and an increase in spending on:
Water for parks, ovals and gardens;
Security for staff and community;
Street cleaning services and graffiti;
Council said it was also investing $55 million in projects to maintain, grow and improve services and assets.
Insight into the council’s long-term financial strategies is also provided, with an estimated $135 million to be spent on various projects and strategies across a 10-year period.
Major investments include $43 million to implement its sustainable environment strategy (Act and Adapt) and $34 million to implement its integrated transport strategy (Move/Connect/Live).
The council will continue its support of pensioners, increasing the pensioner rebate by 3 per cent to $170 in 2019/20. A 50 per cent waiver of the general rate for housing accommodation will also provide reduced rentals for elderly people of limited means.
Representatives from a range of community groups and neighbourhoods were invited to take part in a workshop on Saturday, May 4, where participants discussed which services were needed and which may not be a priority.
Residents can present submissions at a special council meeting on Tuesday, June 4, from 6.30 pm at St Kilda Town Hall.
Submissions can also be made online at haveyoursay.portphillip.vic.gov.au/draft-budget-2019-to-2020-and-year-3-of-the-council-plan
The amended council plan 2017-2027 and the budget for 2019/20 will be considered for adoption at an ordinary council meeting on June 19.
The proposed amended council plan, if adopted, will replace the current version of the council plan for 2017-2027.