Columns » Owners’ Corporation Law

What to expect from the new Victorian Building & Plumbing Commission
An independent review that exposed serious failures in how the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) handled complaints from homeowners facing years of financial distress over defective or homes was the final straw for the State Government.
Amendments to short-stay legislation a welcome relief to owners’ corporations
The government’s stunning decision to empower owners’ corporations (OCs) to choose for themselves about whether to permit short-term letting in their buildings is a game-changer for owner occupiers and tenants alike across Melbourne.
Read MoreDo you have remedial works coming up? Who’s the super?
During COVID, a number of owners’ corporations (OCs) deferred major remedial works projects that were due to be undertaken.
Read MoreVCAT determines that monies paid by an insurer to an OC for a lot owner’s claim are held “on trust”
A VCAT decision released last month confirmed the position that any lot owner in a building may file a claim against the owners’ corporation’s (OC’s) policy of insurance.
Read MoreVictoria’s new “Airbnb tax” only benefits Airbnb
The Victorian Labor Government has announced a new 7.5 per cent tax on short-stay accommodation, being the first and only Australian state to do so.
Read MoreWhen an owners’ corporation needs to access someone’s apartment
Lot owners and tenants need to be aware that an owners’ corporation (OC) has a lawful right to serve a notice to gain entry to private apartments, in order to carry out repairs, maintenance and other remedial works.
Read MoreJoining the electric vehicle bandwagon
In 2022, the sale of electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia accounted for only 3.8 per cent of total sales. However, that number is tipped to soar over the coming years.
Read MoreStrict time limitation periods for bringing a building defect claim means OCs cannot sit on their hands
An owners’ corporation (OC) owes a strict duty to repair and maintain its common property, and this duty can be enforced by any member of the relevant OC.
Read MoreThink twice and sleep on it before firing off that email complaint to the owners’ corporation chairperson
A Court in Sydney has awarded damages of $120,000 to the elderly chairperson of an apartment block, after a tenant sent an email to him and the other owners in which she asked him to stop emailing her about locking her mailbox.
Read MoreLot owners should choose wisely and seek advice before filing VCAT proceedings
There has been a sharp rise in the volume of cases filed in VCAT by lot owners against owners’ corporations (OCs) and managers.
Read MoreNew building laws to clean up the industry
Last month, the Victorian Parliament introduced the Building Legislation Amendment Bill into the lower house, seeking to substantially amend the Building Act 1993 and the Architects Act 1991 by improving consumer protections for owners.
Read MoreWater damage claims expose risk to owners’ corporations
Studies of recent VCAT cases in water damage claims highlight the need for owners’ corporations (OCs) to work faster and work smarter.
Read MoreWet ‘n’ wild comes to high-rise Melbourne
Unfortunately, we are well into storm season in Australia, and the east coast is being battered with its usual fair share of heavy rains and high winds.
Read MoreIt’s raining election promises, but nothing in sight for owners’ corporations
What has been most surprising during this most recent election campaign is that there has been no post-election commitment to fund Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) from either of the major parties.
Read MoreBoom, bust and out of here
More builders and developers will choose to “go bust” instead of being held accountable to owners’ corporations (OCs) for dodgy building defects.
Read MoreSydney’s Mascot Tower and Opal Towers should serve as a warning to Melbourne’s building industry
A downturn in consumer confidence about building standards is the last thing that developers and builders of residential apartment buildings need right now.
Read MoreGovernment’s new legislation to ban embedded networks a welcome move
Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio has announced a ban on developers entering into embedded network agreements in new residential apartment buildings, in a move that has been welcomed by owners’ corporations (OCs) all over Melbourne.
Read MoreTaking the plunge on owners’ corporation plumbing defect claims
Victorian consumers of plumbing services might be surprised to learn that they are protected by the most comprehensive statutory protections in Australia.
Read MoreWater ingress claims against OCs set to skyrocket after marathon VCAT case
After a hearing spanning 11 days, more than 2000 documents, and extensive legal arguments on both sides, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has ordered an owners’ corporation (OC) on St Kilda Rd to carry out $58,000 worth of rectification works to an apartment.
Read MoreHigh-speed internet thrills are just a special resolution away …
Technology is advancing so quickly these days. That television set and that iPhone that we bought just three years ago (which still works just fine by the way) is all too quickly consigned to the obsolete pile, as consumer electronic brands compete to bring out the next biggest thing.
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Owners corporation law