Columns » Yarra River Business Association

Southbankers: please keep supporting your local businesses
This time last year I hoped that the destructive COVID years were in the rear vision mirror.
Bring on spring in Southbank
September is always a welcome time of the year in our business community.
Read MoreNow more than ever, love your local
Most of us take for granted our high standard and variety of dining and refreshment venues in Southbank.
Read MoreSummer along the Yarra River
What a changing world we live in, and it is fundamental that today’s business keeps up with those changes.
Read MoreAddressing the sad state of Southbank Promenade
This Christmas marks the point when I think we can say that the destructive COVID years are (fingers crossed!) now in the rear vision mirror.
Read MoreSupport for a new app for Southbankers is rising
The old saying that you should never waste a crisis was true for the Yarra River Business Association (YRBA) during and after the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Read MoreGone are the days of slow winters in Melbourne
What a dynamic winter period we’re having in the Yarra River Precinct. During my 40 years in Melbourne, I cannot remember a winter period so rich in events and special occasions.
Read MoreRISING returns
Never let it be said that winter is “downtime” in the Yarra River Precinct.
Read MoreSouthbankers reluctant to speak
It would seem that Southbankers are tongue-tied when it comes to saying what they want. An online survey designed to improve the range and style of food, beverage and leisure activities on offer to Southbank residents has attracted minimal response in its four months of operation.
Read MoreCalling all Southbankers
Do you know how highly Melbourne ranks in awareness and appeal around the globe?
Read MoreThe buzz is back in Southbank and South Wharf
You may have noticed that Southbank’s promenade and commercial areas have returned to pre-COVID activity level and, indeed, Friday and Saturday night activity even exceeds that recorded in 2019.
Read MoreSpring marks positive turn for business
It’s always with excitement that our business community turns over the calendar to the month of September.
Read MoreLife is returning to our precinct
It’s encouraging to see the steadily increasing foot traffic on Southbank and Crown Promenades, and while it may not mean commensurate increases in sales for our businesses, at least it shows growing public confidence to get out and about.
Read MoreTransforming our Yarra into an inspiring world waterfront
What a rollercoaster ride it has been for business and looks like being on for some time yet, while lockdown is the preferred mechanism until we have achieved sufficient vaccination rates.
Read MoreTesting our resolve
Life is slowly but steadily returning to the Yarra River precinct, though for many businesses I dare say it could be too little too late.
Read MoreSupport your locals this summer
President While it will be some time before we’re back to pre-COVID levels in the precinct, it is a great feeling to see the place slowly come to life again
Read MoreSupport your locals
As I write this column we are slowly re-emerging from lockdown.
Read MoreThrowing support behind our new winter festival
The birth of a new idea for the river is a special moment, especially when it is delivered by someone as talented as Gideon Obarzanek
Read MoreCelebrating 21 years
A 21st birthday doesn’t carry as much significance these days, but I think for a community-based, grass-roots organisation to survive 21 years, it is quite an achievement
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