
Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Increasing your activity - both body and mind. Use your Southbank community!

As a predominantly Southbank-based business and servicing mainly Southbank apartment gyms and residents, it is very clear to me that many of our clientele don’t experience that sense of community belonging that the suburbs can provide.

Some of our clientele feel socially isolated and removed from the openness and friendliness that our suburban counterparts have by residing in streets and having “outdoor neighbours”, wide open spaces and community offerings.

In Southbank, a great way to help get you more active with both body and mind is by using the fantastic Boyd Community Hub (located at 207 City Rd).

Boyd offers many opportunities if you are either inactive, feeling isolated, would like to meet new people, expand your friendship group or participate in free classes, which all-in-all stimulate you in ways that you may not have known you could within this wonderful community. And it’s only a stone’s throw from your apartment door.

We all know the importance of regular exercise, movement, healthy initiatives for the body, mind and soul and by heading out and checking out what is on offer, it could be the catalyst to driving you into other more positive pursuits and, like I outlined in this column last month, assist you with behaviour change and kick-starting a more positive mind in respect to attaining a regular exercise lifestyle.

Some of the opportunities that are available to you at Boyd and many that are free include: Yoga, playgroup, laughter yoga, mums and bubs dance class, boot camp, tai chi, hatha yoga, get fit with physios, zumba and more! There is a library located within and how could I forget the wonderful Kere Kere cafe!

Up until a couple of weeks ago we had been running a free personal training session (pictured) and if we can generate enough interest we soon hope to kick-start a weekly free walking group one morning a week (more if it proves successful and we can get a local business to sponsor it).

These are all ways that can and will have your body, mind and soul stimulated and keeping active rather than feeling isolated within the confines of our apartment complexes that we reside in.

In these winter months especially, motivation can be low and the cold can keep us feeling confined but getting out and away from home, communicating, smiling, laughing and keeping active has so many positive mental and physical benefits, so I urge you to go and introduce yourself to Boyd, check out their Facebook page for upcoming events and immerse yourself in our wonderful community.

For more information or to express interest in a regular walking group led by one of our fully tertiary/university degree-trained and qualified staff, go to or call me directly on 0411 798 934.

Man arrested in Southbank burglary

Man arrested in Southbank burglary

April 16th, 2024 - Brendan Rees
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