Health and Wellbeing
Goal setting – three levels
Basic exercise goals
We all know that up and down roller-coaster feeling of setting goals with relation to our health, fitness and exercise. Something clicks – January 1 comes along or the sudden realisation that we are no longer fitting into our clothes.
Whatever it is, it kicks us into some sort of action and gets us into a mindset of change or action. Sadly though it is short-lived and we will have a concerted effort for a few weeks or months but we often revert back to our past behaviors.
Major life goal setting
Just last week I delivered a workplace health seminar to a well-known real estate company and elaborated on the need for people, if they are looking at getting the very best out of themselves, to actively take the steps to set some bigger picture and long-term goals and from that “reverse engineer” back to the basic goals and steps we need to take to build towards the bigger picture.
The now infamous Steven Covey (writer of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People which sold over 25 million copies) once made the statement “start with the end in mind”.
There is no better way to do this in relation to goal setting with your life, health, work, happiness, family and relationships to name just a few.
So perhaps the best step you could take is taking a step back and crystal-balling where you would ultimately like to be in say five or 10 years time and then work backwards to how to achieve this. Then keep a copy of these long-term and short-term goals with you at all times and work towards attaining them.
The need for a life-coach, mentor, business coach or personal trainer
At the highest level, you may require the services of someone other than yourself to help pave the way for you and help work with you to set out the path, journey and destination of your grand plan of being the best you can be.
There is no better example of this than the world’s fastest man over 100m and 200m – Usain Bolt.
I would be very surprised if you didn’t know who he is, however when I asked the real estate group if they knew of Glen Mills – not one person knew.
Who is Glen Mills you ask? He is Usain Bolt’s coach. Now some may say why would someone that just runs a straight line over 100/200m need a coach, well Usain Bolt does and he credits all of his success to his coach.
If you are highly-motivated and driven then it may be something that you need to give some serious thought to as I have personally seen much clarity, vision and the ultimate results delivered to those that have elected to go down this path.
I have an expanded Blog post on this on my website
Justin Moran

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels