Posture, metabolism and when did you last visit your GP?
By Justin Moran
Posture and exercise programming I see so many people needing to repair damage done through previous exercise modalities or wanting to improve their posture and function.
The problem is that when we are 20, 30 and even sometimes 40, we think we are invincible.
We can jump, skip, deadlift and basically thrash our bodies any way we can in the pursuit of that elusive “perfect body”.
The problem is that our bones, ligaments, joints, tendons and muscles do a great job but they can’t withstand excessive weight and often un-controlled rapid movement.
Sure we can get away with it for a number of years but, rest assured, it catches up with you and I see this often. The three of the most popular forms of group exercise (in no particular order) – F45, cross-fit and boot camps – do not in any way factor in your posture and all exercises are of a generic nature with little or no attention given to the curvature of your spine and your resulting posture.
So be warned! When did you last see your GP?
Life is hectic let’s be honest! Work, social-life, kids, exercise and the rest! One thing that is often over-looked is seeing our GP regularly and having our blood checked, amongst other things. I cannot stress the importance of taking the time to look after oneself.
Using me as an example, I had retired from playing and coaching footy and assumed my weight gain and feeling sluggish and tired was a result of that, in addition to my work and let a visit to my GP get pushed to the side for close to a year. Terrible, I know!
I eventually found I had an underactive thyroid (an auto-immune deficiency) and for the rest of my life will require a daily dose of Thyroxine.
So a great message to me is to get more regular check-ups and I hope that encourages you to get onto one now if you haven’t in a while and try to make it a yearly visit.
It is worth it! How to increase your metabolism Many of us believe that to lose weight and burn calories, we need to watch what we eat and get out and walk, run, cycle, swim or participate in any other cardio exercise and whilst that remains very true, many are unaware of the benefits of weights or resistance training in improving your metabolism and burning more calories longer-term.
Put simply, muscle is metabolically active tissue (whilst fat is not) and the more you can develop, the more you will raise your metabolism and burn calories long-after your exercise session!
For a more information, exercise guidance or if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

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