St Johns Southgate

St Johns Southgate

This promise constitutes one of the most precious realities of life: “I am with you always.” Even though, despite what it sometimes feels like, there is never a single moment when we are alone.

Present with us wherever we are is this Jesus, our redeemer, our ever-living lord and our never-failing friend. He gave his life on the cross to make us his own. By faith we become his followers, saved by grace.

“I am with you always.” More accurately: “I am with you all the days, to the very end of the age.”

As we live out our lives, our days vary. There are days of loneliness, days of frustration and worry, days of illness, days of success, days of bereavement, days of tragedy, days of disappointment, days of heartache, days of tension.

We come face to face with good days and bad days, with happy days and sad days, days when we feel close to God and days when we wonder whether God will ever be near again, days when we feel strong and days when we feel weak, days when we are able to conquer temptation and days when we fail to resist it, but God’s ears are always open.

He still is truly present to help in trouble, no matter what the trouble may be. He still is the strength of his people. When troubles confront us, we have the privilege to go immediately to the throne of grace to seek God’s help.

Jesus said: “I am with you all the days” – every last one of them. Never for one moment will you be alone again. This never-failing presence of Jesus must be a source of constant strength to us all as we realise and enjoy the closeness of our lord and saviour.

Pastor Ian

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