Columns » St John’s Southgate

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a modern martyr
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a 20th century martyr.
Christmas presence
A friend once told me that presence, or “turning up”, is the key to effective parenting. Presence is, in fact, the key to any good and thriving human relationship.
Read MoreRemembered
Following the death of his wife, C S Lewis wrote, “Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything” (page 8, Kindle: Tingle Books). While beautifully expressed, his words are achingly sad and familiar.
Read MoreMy first column as the new pastor of St Johns Southgate
My name is James Winderlich and I serve as the new Pastor at St Johns Lutheran Church, Southgate. St Johns Pastors have enjoyed a long association with the Southbank News, and I am grateful for the opportunity to regularly contribute.
Read MoreAshes to ashes, dust to dust
Ukraine. Enough said. You know what I’m talking about. Even at extreme distance from the conflict, Melburnians have been horrified by recent events.
Read MoreThe power of nostalgia
Over the new year I was excited to go and see part four of the Matrix franchise, The Matrix Resurrections.
Read MoreA humility shared
On November 28 this year, for the first time since March 2020, the congregation of St Johns Southgate knelt before the altar to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Read MoreMy name is Tom, and I am a long-suffering-no-longer Melbourne Demons supporter
As you would no doubt be aware, the Melbourne Football Club won its first premiership in 57 years back on September 25.
Read MoreWhat is freedom?
Almost 501 years ago, Martin Luther, famous figure of what we now know as the Protestant Reformation, wrote a treatise titled, On the Freedom of the Christian, which would go on to be one of his most influential writings
Read MoreOut of time
When going for a run on the morning of writing this column, I saw something out of place
Read MorePerfectly locked-down
Lockdown number five in Melbourne was tough. Necessary, yes, but tough. Having now spent more than six months in hard lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic, the hardest thing for me was observing (and finally being unable to pretend it was otherwise) what will be long-term impacts on my young children
Read MoreHave you got any overseas travel planned?
Pastor You would have to be a fairly optimistic person to be mapping out your next journey to a foreign land, wouldn’t you?
Read MoreGroundhog Day
If someone says, “It’s like Groundhog Day”, you know what they mean, don’t you?
Read MoreCan I pray for you?
Scott Morrison recently spoke at a Christian conference where he mentioned that, in the course of his duties as Prime Minister, he had surreptitiously engaged in the spiritual act of laying on of hands
Read MoreRemember me
Last month, titan of the Australian music industry, Michael Gudinski, was farewelled at a star-studded State Memorial at Rod Laver Arena
Read MoreA cross to bear?
Pastor Jesus of Nazareth once said to his followers, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Read MoreCompanions for the journey
Every time I put my four-year-old daughter Genevieve to bed, she asks for a Jupiter story.
Read MoreSometimes you have to laugh. It’s either that or cry!
It’s either that or cry! By Pastor Tom Hoffmann I found myself having a little chuckle upon hearing, COVID restrictions being what they were, that if churches were to present a children’s Christmas play this year, that the children performing would have to socially distance
Read MoreThe asterisk
Pastor Earlier in the year, it was suggested that due to COVID, the 2020 AFL Premiership would forever have an asterisk over it
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