Thanks to fellow Southbankers for your enjoyment and support
By Maria Tarrant - Southbank Sustainability Group
Let me take this opportunity to thank all the Southbankers who have told us how much they enjoy watching the Boyd Hub Community Garden over the different seasons and how much they have appreciated being able to harvest something fresh from the garden during the year.
Southbank Sustainability Group members have enjoyed the many conversations they have had with people wandering through the gardens. The feedback we receive helps us make the gardens a better place for everyone.
The end of the year is fast approaching and with that, a time to reflect on the year that was, plan for next year and hopefully enjoy some time with family and friends.
With that in mind the next gathering of the Southbank Sustainability Group and other like-minded Southbankers on December 17 at 10am will be more an opportunity to meet with others who are interested in sustainability and catch up on what has been going on. The meet up this time round will be less about the garden and more about conversation. We look forward to seeing you.
Our meetup on December 17 will also be the last for this year and we will recommence our meet ups on January 7, 2023, at 10am and then every fortnight after that. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for further details of meet ups and workshops in 2023.
One of the things that is striking as you spend time in the garden and play areas around the Boyd Hub is the number of people walking their dogs and enjoying the canine company. No doubt the holiday season will bring more pets of different kinds into households in the Southbank area. After all pets play an important role in our mental and physical health.
As owners of cats and dogs and other animals we can also be giving consideration to how we reduce the environmental impact of our pets. Your choice of pet, what you feed them, how you ensure they do not endanger wildlife and how you clean up after them all impact the planet.
Give thought to the size of your pet. In simple terms, the larger the pet, the greater the environmental impact. Ensure you can control your pet in the outdoors. Local wildlife, especially birds, are at risk if our pets run loose in the outdoors. Pick up any pet waste in compostable bags and don’t leave it in public spaces. Explore with your vet dietary options for your pet, so that they are not totally reliant on red meat which produces higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions than other food sources.
And if you are planning to buy pet toys and accessories remember the “five Rs” – refuse to buy what you don’t need, reduce the impact of what you buy by being mindful of how it is manufactured and packaged, and look to reuse, repurpose and recycle whenever you can.
About the group
Southbank Sustainability Group is a solutions-focused community group of Southbank residents working to bring positive change in sustainability practices. Reach us at [email protected] or
If you are interested in getting involved with Southbank Sustainability Group, send us an email or come to one of the upcoming meet ups. •

Livestock trial commences through Citylink tunnels