Columns » Southbank Sustainability Group

Southbank’s winter wonderland with gardening, games, and green fashion

Southbank’s winter wonderland with gardening, games, and green fashion

July 2nd, 2024 - Southbank News

Winter has well and truly arrived in our neighbourhood, and the Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) community gardeners have welcomed it.


Autumn highlights Southbank’s community and nature

June 4th, 2024 - Faye McDonald

The Boyd Community Hub gardens have lit up with the warm golden glow of autumn and early winter, a heart-warming sight to capture.

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How lovely to see the autumn rains

May 8th, 2024 - Southbank News

Our garden beds have been refreshed ready for autumn and winter planting. Rocket and garlic chives have been very popular, while the chillies and eggplants have struggled in the wind.

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It’s autumn in Southbank!

April 3rd, 2024 - Faye McDonald

Wow! What happened to summer?

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Improving air quality in Southbank

March 6th, 2024 - Maria Tarrant

It has been lovely to talk to members of the Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) and passers-by about the beauty of harvesting food from the Southbank community garden.

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Southbank Sustainability Group in 2024

February 7th, 2024 - Southbank News

It has been lovely to hear from Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) members that they were grateful the fortnightly gardening meetups kept going throughout the end-of-year period making participants feel engaged and part of a community. 

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Another year of green gains for Southbank

December 5th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

It has been a busy year for Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG).

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Sustainable events this November

November 7th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

The next Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) event is a workshop focused on the role of herbs in health and wellbeing. In this interactive workshop, you will learn more about the medicinal uses of common culinary herbs and be introduced to the array of herbs growing in the community garden in front of the Boyd Community Hub.

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Championing the four pillars of sustainability

October 4th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

September saw a series of events throughout Melbourne built around the theme of sustainability. 

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Spring is just around the corner

September 6th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

The Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) has made a start on spring planting.

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Preparing for spring planting 

August 9th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

The cooler weather has not dampened the enthusiasm of the members of the Southbank Sustainability Group (SSG) as they get the community garden ready for spring planting. 

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Teaching our youngest Southbankers about sustainability

June 7th, 2023 - Southbank News

The community gardens at the Boyd Community Hub attract quite a few children each day as they walk to school or are on their way to play in the park behind the Boyd Community Hub.

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Don’t be caught out by greenwashing

May 10th, 2023 - Maria Tarrant

We often have quite interesting discussions with residents of Southbank as they consider their impact on the environment and ways to reduce it.

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Sustainable transport guide for Southbankers

April 5th, 2023 - Southbank News

According to the Climate Change Authority, greenhouse gas emissions from transport have been increasing in Australia every year since 1990 (except 2020 as a result of the COVID restrictions). Road transport accounts for about 85 per cent of transport emissions or about 16 per cent of Australia’s total emissions.

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Lowering our energy consumption in Southbank

March 8th, 2023 - Southbank News

It’s been a busy few weeks in the garden in front of the Boyd Community Hub.

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Reducing our consumption

February 7th, 2023 - Southbank News

According to Canstar Blue, Australians are spending $1956 per person, per year, on storage facilities for their belongings. Significantly, more than 25 per cent of those using these storage facilities could not remember what they had in the storage unit.

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Thanks to fellow Southbankers for your enjoyment and support

December 7th, 2022 - Southbank News

Let me take this opportunity to thank all the Southbankers who have told us how much they enjoy watching the Boyd Hub Community Garden over the different seasons and how much they have appreciated being able to harvest something fresh from the garden during the year. 

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Making for a more sustainable festive season

November 9th, 2022 - Southbank News

The year is fast coming to an end, bringing with it various events and celebrations. You may be thinking about how to make them more sustainable. This is an ideal time to ask yourself, “can I reduce, reuse, repair or recycle as I participate in various events and celebrations?”

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Spring is here

October 5th, 2022 - Southbank News

We are certainly experiencing the change of season; the days are warming up and getting longer with more sunlight. It has been lovely to see so many Southbankers making the most of the green spaces around the Boyd Community Hub as spring starts.

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Get warm with some community events

June 8th, 2022 - Artemis Pattichi

While we continue with our regular gardening, winter is marked with community events for Southbankers who want to take control of their environmental impact, while enjoying some neighbourly community time.

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