Southbank man fined for noisy vehicle

Southbank man fined for noisy vehicle
Sean Car

A Southbank man has pleaded guilty in the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court for failing to produce a certificate to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to show his car had passed a noise compliance test.

Police reported the noisy car to EPA Victoria on May 8 last year after hearing it on Power St in Southbank. The EPA issued the man with a notice requiring him to have the car tested, make any necessary repairs, and produce a certificate of compliance by June 14, 2023.

The EPA said that when the case came to court on May 28, 2024, the Magistrate found the charge proven but did not record a conviction, with the driver ultimately fined $400.

While the court case is complete, the Southbank man will be required to keep his Volkswagen off the road until he provides the EPA with a certificate of compliance from an approved motor vehicle tester.

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